Julie and Lee were very kind and stopped by the Cheesecake Factory to pick up a Cookie Dough Cheesecake for Andy. For those of you that don't know, Andy and I LOVE Cheesecake Factory and have been known to drive to Columbus or Cleveland just for cheesecake. Not to mention tailgating at Crew soccer games with cheesecake!
Andy and his brother, Chris, were having a good time! (Sorry for the bad picks, but atleast there were some!)

The following weekend (July 18th) was Sarah's birthday and the annual canoe trip! Sean (Sarah's husband) had been planning a nice 30th for her for months. I was in charge of the cake (which took a dive in the car but still tasted good!)
Sean had both the sign and shirt made for her. Unfortunately, on Friday (her birthday) it was like 100 degrees so Sarah was a HOT 1978 classic! Tricia (Sarah's sister) bought her the crown and I got her the fun party cup!
Weather was good until Sunday. We woke up to sprinkles and a heavy down poor. We all decided to stay so we tarpped up everything we could and made the "grotto" (pictured below) that consisted of 3 tents.
On Monday morning we had survived the big storm that came in over night (not that Andy and I knew we slept through it all). Poor Kim and Ryan were found in their car. I asked if the "grotto" had failed and they were rained on, but the real reason was that between the thunder and Andy's snoring they could not fall asleep! Everyone asked how I can sleep in the same room with the bear, I said I go to bed first.