Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Job!

I guess I haven't written anything in awhile! The big news since last time is that I got a job here in Findlay. No more driving the hour commute to Toledo and filling up my car twice a week! I will be working at Family Resource Center which provides mental health counseling to children between the ages of 2-18. I am going to start out with adolescents and they will train me to be with the little guys in the next few months. I am very sad to be leaving my job in Toledo, which has been difficult letting all of my current clients know that I am leaving. But I will remain at the Private Practice on Saturdays (and maybe one evening a week). I am a little nervous but I am excited to start working only 15 minutes from home!

1 comment:

Monique said...

Congrats on the new job!! Praying for a smooth transition. Heard you had a good 4th (from Traci's blog!) Looks like you have more than your share of rain. Take care. Aunt M