Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Month already....

I cannot believe that I have done nothing for the last month! (Sorry Minnesota Family) Well since the Dart Frog Dash...My mom, Traci, both kids and I went to Minnesota for my cousin Maren's graduation. I loved visiting and wish we could have stayed longer. Landon has been growing like a weed and is becoming more and more interactive. He loves playing on his mat:

I have also decided to quit one of my jobs, two jobs and a newborn is a little too much to handle. I am now working only at a Private Practice and see about 5-15 clients a week, I LOVE that it is flexible and I can make my own schedule AND I have family to watch Landon which is a BIG plus!

We have also learned that our little guy has colic, thank goodness he turns 3 months in a couple of weeks which is when it usually stops. The screaming is starting to decrease but it has surprising been OK, Andy might say something different.

So other than soothing Landon and trying to build up a caseload at work nothing else is going on. I will TRY to do better in the future. Join Facebook...I update there a couple times a day (hint, hint).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

5K and Zoo

Yesterday I participated in the Toledo Zoo's Dart Frog Dash 5K Walk with my mom and sisters, and the kids of course! This was also Landon's first trip to the zoo.

These are the white lions that used to work for Sigfried and Roy.
Aunt Kelly is showing Landon the lions.

Aunt Kelly is showing Landon the Hippos.
She also helped me out by feeding Landon.

Here is the whole crew that ran or walked or rode the race (except me, I took the picture).
I got the privilege of pushing the big kids, I was so upset that there were hills!

Mom enjoyed pushing Landon, its like pushing nothing!

Traci pushed Abigail who was missing a sock! (because she put it into poo!)

Traci and I think that Alex and Elena need to walk the next time!
Here are the four cousins!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Better late than never.

OK, I know these are a few weeks old, but I am just getting around to getting pictures off of my camera.

Here we are introducing Diesel to Landon.

Here I am attempting to breastfeed.

Here we family.
Diesel loves to get a hold of pacifiers and bottles. Andy was chasing him around the house and stopped and decided he was too cute to not get a picture!
Here are my boys!

Andy took these shots last week...Andy loves our new camera!

Landon's Room

Here are some photos of Landon's bedroom. I finally figured out how to take pictures off of our new camera!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day...Back to Work

My first mother's day was very nice. Grandma Sanderson watched Landon so that I could get a good nights rest, which was better than anything she could have bought me! Earlier in the week Andy and I had been out shopping in Toledo and he said that this was his only opportunity to shop so he wanted to get me something. I gave him a list of things that I wanted and he got me an iPod Nano, which is yellow (my favorite color). I kept teasing him that Mother's Day is before Father's Day and what he gets me determines what he gets...I guess I have to get him something nice now!

Last week I started back to work. Now, don't worry I am only working 5 or so hours a week and family are watching Landon. In fact tonight is the first time Andy will have Landon for more than 3 hours. He has called reinforcements (his parents) to help and he really hopes that they can make it! The only difficult thing is getting out the door for work, it takes forever! I am sure I will not feel the same when I go back to work in Findlay where Landon will be going to a childcare provider's home...that maybe more difficult. At least I have a month and a half until I have to worry about that!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm updating already!!!

OK, since I kept being told that it has been forever since I updated here goes:

Today was Landon's 1 month check-up, I cannot believe it has been a month already! He is 8 lbs 2 oz and 20.25 inches, the doctor says he is gaining over an once a day which is very good.

This last month has been very stressful as far as feeding Landon. I started in the hospital nursing him and ran into some difficulties as far as Landon being weak and tongue tied. Well the tongue tied saga continued since the last time I talked about it. It turns out that the other ENT doctor in the practice heard about Landon's case and had his office call and schedule the procedure. So a week ago Landon got his tongue clipped, and all went well. Since it hsa been a month I was hesitant to start attempting to nurse again especially since I am not producing enough milk for a I continue to pump.

Lately though pumping has begun to get tiring and difficult to do when Landon gets upset and I am the only one home. Sometimes it is 12-15 hours between pumping and I am only producing about 1 once every 2 hours. I talked to the doctor today (who by the way is a speaker for Similac) who says that if I am hating it to stop. Andy talked to other nurses today and we have decided that I will continue to pump when I think about it and want to and when I dry up, I dry up. As it is Landon is only getting about 3-4 bottles of breast milk a day now.

The good news is I finally can fit into pre-maternity fat pants! I have one pair of jeans that fit, I have lost about 30 lbs (obviously I gained a little more than suggested) but have a few more to go. Andy says we are going to work on our "dun lap" problem together. (Our belly's 'dun lap' over our pants)

My goal is to get the photos off of our camera more pictures coming I promise!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Photos of Landon

Another week under our belt

Well, I guess things are about the same. Landon continues to be a very good baby, except for two occasions. Two nights ago at 3am he screamed for 2 hours this happened again last night between 10pm-12am. We have decided that it was due to constipation. Landon poos a lot and we noticed that before both screaming fits he had not pooped in the past 2-3 diapers. Luckily it doesn't happen too often, but at least we know what is probably going on.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The first week....

Andy and I our very lucky to be blessed with such a good boy. We got home from the hospital on Friday the 3rd and we realized that Landon likes to sleep a lot. Because of his size I had difficulty getting him to latch for breastfeeding. I used a shield to assist, but by Saturday Landon was not having it. I decided to continue pumping and feeding him by bottle. Now, I know this is my first child, but pumping and feeding by a bottle is not fun and is a lot of work. I am going to try to get him to latch once he has gained some more weight.

Sleeping has been interesting, I have spent every night sleeping in the recliner with Landon. We could not understand why he would sleep in the swing and bouncer but not his bed. We decided to go to Babys-R-Us and buy a sleep positioner to elevate Landon's head when he sleeps. Well, we are extremely happy with the results. Landon slept in his bed the entire night, in fact I had to wake him for his 3am feeding (I am so used to waking up at that time, I woke up on my own). It was so nice to be able to straighten out my legs and I don't even mind being up for 2 evening feedings!

Today, we went to a ENT doctor because Landon is Tongue Tied. The doctor was very nice, he knows Andy from the hospital and was very good at giving us what research says about being tongue tied. He stated that it is the result of his tongue not growing long enough. The plan is to wait and see if there are any difficulties and possibly do a simple surgery when Landon is 2 years old. I am just glad we were able to see a specialists (there was a turf war at the hospital between the lactation consultants and the pediatricians).

Overall, it has been an eventful week and we have learned a lot about having a baby and about ourselves!

Introducing Landon!

Landon Drew Ebright
April 1, 2009
6 lbs, 19 inches


OK so I know this is really late, but I am a new mother and have gotten behind on my sleep. Here is the progression of what happened a little over a week ago:

Monday, March 30th

7:00pm, I was admitted into the hospital to start being induced.

9:00pm, they started some medication that would start softening the cervix.

Tuesday, March 31st

9:00am, a new medicine was introduced that would actually start the labor.

12:00pm, the doctor broke my water in hopes of helping me progress more. This was very painful for me and they gave me a medication that knocked me out.

Around 1:00pm, I broke down and got my epidural. Andy had asked one of the doctors to do it for me. It was nice to have someone that I knew poke me in the back. A couple of years ago Edgar had a gathering at his house where I met him (he lives a few streets over from us).

Around 3:00pm, contractions were not progressing, the doctor decided to start changing my positions to help.

Around 6:00pm, progression still has not occurred

Around 9:00pm, doctor starts talking about having a C-section if progression does not start.

Around 11:00pm, I finally get to 6cm!

Wednesday, April 1st

Around 12:00am, doctor decides to continue with vaginal birth since I was now about 7 cm.

Around 1:00am, Its time to push!!!

1:51am - Landon is here!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Latest News

I went today for my final NST, and all continues to go as planned. I will be going to the hospital on Monday night so they can start softening my cervix. I am softening and am about 1 cm right now. So that means 5 more days!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Update on bed rest...

OK bed rest pretty much sucks. It is not that lying around the house making your husband do everything that is bad. However, having little to no human contact is awful. It has been two weeks now and I am not looking forward to next week. Good news though, my labs continue to be good as well as the NST, Landon continues to do well. The doctor has decided to schedule me to be induced on March 31st, so only one more week! Nothing else is going on...well especially since I am on house arrest.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jealousy..thy name is Diesel

Well, Landon is not even here yet and Diesel has began doing defiant acts which appear to be...jealousy! Yesterday I gave him his dinner and after he ate he ran towards the stairs. I got up and followed and before I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard the sound of him urinating. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw the spot directly in front of the nursery. Andy and I assume that he does not like the room because it is off limits and when he is allowed in he gets into trouble for chewing on or scratching things. I have heard from others that this is similar behavior to what other dogs have done when a new baby is introduced to the family. I cannot wait until Landon gets here and see what Diesel will do.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Landon at 35 weeks

Today, Grandma Sanderson joined me to another ultrasound and NST. Landon continues to do well and has a strong heartbeat. His weight is 5 lbs 3oz, they are estimating that he will be about 6lbs and change when he is born in 2 and half weeks.

Here is a new photo of his profile.
This is my favorite photo, you can see his little nose and lips. Looks like he is ready to eat!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bed Rest

Well, many of you know that I have been put on bed rest since last Friday. My blood pressure has spiked a couple of times (168/104) and the doctors are concerned about preeclampsia. Today I took my BP and it was 128/76, almost my normal BP, I guess it is working. Best of all I haven't gone crazy...yet! The doctors say that they want to make it to 38 weeks so Landon will be here by the end of the month. That means I have 2 more weeks of being home. My doctor said I just need to be resting and at home, so I am glad that I am not stuck in a bed all day which helps. I am now getting 2 non-stress tests a week along with blood work and a doctors visit.

Yesterday at my appointment Landon continues to be moving well with a strong BP. The doctor also checked my cervix and it is barely at 1 but is softening. Also, she said that Landon is head down, which I figured. I think he is still lying on his side since I am getting kicked and punched ALL the time on my left side. Tomorrow I am getting another ultrasound which Grandma Sanderson is coming down for. Luckily there is not supposed to be ice or snow so it should not be a scary adventure for her like last time!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shower and Nursery

The shower was great. We got a lot of things for Landon and I feel like I am finally getting ready for the little guy.

Here are some photos of what the nursery looks like. It is still a work in progress, but I think it looks great!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Counting the days...

Well, according to the ticker at the top there are only 44 more days until the due date. So Landon will be with us by than or earlier. I have been having a lot of braxton hicks as well as back pain so I am not enjoying myself lately. Landon is also making a lot more profound movements, the other day I think I felt either his knee or heel. I think he is going to be a soccer player, he is already practicing headers with my bladder! Sometimes I can't wait until he comes so that I can feel normal again. But than again, as a first time mom, I don't feel like I am ready yet for him to come and could go another 3 months (OK maybe not). I have asked people at work and they tell me it is normal for first time moms to feel this way (it is great working with therapists, free therapy all the time!). They say life is easier right now because it is still just the two of us (well, 3 with Diesel). Overall, I think I am getting more ready and will feel better after the shower so we can get everything that we need. I had another NST yesterday and all continues to go well and Landon still has a strong heartbeat. I should know if we are going to induce or not within a couple of weeks.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Leap of Faith...

Today I decided to take a leap of faith and let Diesel run the house while I went to a doctor's appointment. I was gone for about an hour and when I returned the house was still standing. Now I am not sure when he went into his cage, but when I opened the door that is where he was. He wouldn't even come out of the cage until I called for him. I found no poo or pee or any damage...I was so proud of him. (Obviously nothing much is going on)

As for the doctor's appointment, all is well. Landon continues to have a good heart beat and no contractions. I do not have another appointment until next Thursday...still looking like another 8 weeks!

Lately I have not been sleeping well and it has nothing to do with the pregnancy. For the last few nights our backyard has been the mating grounds for cats. Andy thought the cats were fighting, but I informed him that that was the sound of love. Then there is the beautiful cry of a cat in heat which also has occurred for a couple of nights. Too bad that I think the cats could take Diesel or I would turn him loose!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stubbon Little Guy

I came home from work today and told Andy that his son was a bad boy today. He looked at Diesel and asked what he did, I told him it was Landon! This morning I had a non-stress test, I guess Landon was not interested in letting the machine record his heartbeat because he started going crazy (which didn't feel very good). He worked himself up so bad he got hiccups (that's what the nurse said was the sound on the machine). Landon finally stopped moving around, I think he ran out of room to run and the machine got a good read. The doctor looked at the results and said everything looks good. Next test is on Monday!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Its a Miracle!

Today I experienced a miracle! For the first time since May, Diesel went poo and pee outside on only one trip! OK, I realize that many of you cannot believe that I am commenting on my dog's bowl movements, but typically I have to go out with him 2 times every morning. It is a big day in the Ebright house!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We Have a Name!

Sunday, Andy and I finally decided on a name.......Landon Drew Ebright! It is hard to remember that we can call him Landon instead of 'the baby' or 'the boy' or 'him' or 'it' or (as Aunt Traci says) 'Ebright without a name.'

I was surprised on Saturday when Andy's parents showed up and had the crib, dresser and mattress for Landon. The night before my mom, Karen, Kelly and I were working on the shower invites and I had said that I feel like I am not getting ready since we haven't gotten anything for Landon yet. Andy said that his parents called before they came and Karen told him that she was glad it came in since I had made that comment the night before. It looks really nice in the room. I will wait to show pictures until we get the bedding.

I had two appointments this week at the doctors and everything is going really well, for Landon. I on the other hand am having severe back pain due to where Landon is positioned or because of the weight up front. Sleeping has been interesting and I am not getting much done around the house (Andy doesn't think that is anything new). I have a bad feeling this is going to be a long 10 weeks!

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Photo!

Thursday, I had another ultrasound of the little guy. He is weighing in at 2lbs 3oz and is about 28 weeks at his point. The object near his nose is a foot, it appears that his legs are as long as he is from head to bottom. Grandma Sanderson was able to make it to see him and than went with me for a 3 hour glucose test, yuck! It went really fast since mom was with me. We are getting close at choosing a name, maybe by the shower!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow and Baby Stuff

Since Friday it has been snowing off and on. Now I am not complaining since we only got about 5-6 inches and Toledo got about a foot, but I think it is rather pretty. Diesel has been loving it, I need to take some pictures. The snow is as high as his belly so he jumps through it...he also loves eating it!

Today, Andy and I ventured to Toledo and started our registry at Baby's R Us. We were there for about 2 hours and I know that we need to add more. Andy was not as excited about this registry as he was when we got married. I asked him if he was overwhelmed and he said yes. He did the "shooting" so he felt like he was involved...but mostly he kept saying he had no idea what was needed. The good news is we got more than 2 bottles (Andy thought that was all you needed). When you go to remember that the registry is a work in progress and is not complete yet, but it will be soon.

As far as the little guy goes, I went to the doctor's on Friday and his heartbeat was 153. The doctor said I needed to get an ultrasound next week (which Grandma Sanderson gets to come to since Andy is working) to look at the placenta and to get a better reading on his development since last time he did not cooperate. I have another appointment in a month and than every other week after that, with a non-stress test at each appointment. So far so good!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Can't say too much has happened in the last week. I spent New Year's with my mom, Traci and Abigail at my mom's house. Jeromy was working and Andy had gone to California with his dad to see the Rose Bowl. I must say that I was a little sad that I did not go, but I have gone to LA 6 times since September and being pregnant makes flying difficult. Andy and his dad had a good time, I got a lot of phone calls from Andy who did a good job at reminding me home much fun bowl games are (we went to the Rose Bowl 3 years ago). It was a great game, Go Trojans! Andy is home now and we are not going on any more trips until after the baby comes.

Today I started a little nesting around the house. I have been wanting to clean up our bonus room so I could do a little sewing. I have a few projects that I have been wanting to get started on. Andy was really happy that I have started I am going to start working on the nursery. Well, that will be after we get the Christmas stuff put away.