Friday, April 17, 2009
Another week under our belt
Well, I guess things are about the same. Landon continues to be a very good baby, except for two occasions. Two nights ago at 3am he screamed for 2 hours this happened again last night between 10pm-12am. We have decided that it was due to constipation. Landon poos a lot and we noticed that before both screaming fits he had not pooped in the past 2-3 diapers. Luckily it doesn't happen too often, but at least we know what is probably going on.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The first week....
Andy and I our very lucky to be blessed with such a good boy. We got home from the hospital on Friday the 3rd and we realized that Landon likes to sleep a lot. Because of his size I had difficulty getting him to latch for breastfeeding. I used a shield to assist, but by Saturday Landon was not having it. I decided to continue pumping and feeding him by bottle. Now, I know this is my first child, but pumping and feeding by a bottle is not fun and is a lot of work. I am going to try to get him to latch once he has gained some more weight.
Sleeping has been interesting, I have spent every night sleeping in the recliner with Landon. We could not understand why he would sleep in the swing and bouncer but not his bed. We decided to go to Babys-R-Us and buy a sleep positioner to elevate Landon's head when he sleeps. Well, we are extremely happy with the results. Landon slept in his bed the entire night, in fact I had to wake him for his 3am feeding (I am so used to waking up at that time, I woke up on my own). It was so nice to be able to straighten out my legs and I don't even mind being up for 2 evening feedings!
Today, we went to a ENT doctor because Landon is Tongue Tied. The doctor was very nice, he knows Andy from the hospital and was very good at giving us what research says about being tongue tied. He stated that it is the result of his tongue not growing long enough. The plan is to wait and see if there are any difficulties and possibly do a simple surgery when Landon is 2 years old. I am just glad we were able to see a specialists (there was a turf war at the hospital between the lactation consultants and the pediatricians).
Overall, it has been an eventful week and we have learned a lot about having a baby and about ourselves!
Sleeping has been interesting, I have spent every night sleeping in the recliner with Landon. We could not understand why he would sleep in the swing and bouncer but not his bed. We decided to go to Babys-R-Us and buy a sleep positioner to elevate Landon's head when he sleeps. Well, we are extremely happy with the results. Landon slept in his bed the entire night, in fact I had to wake him for his 3am feeding (I am so used to waking up at that time, I woke up on my own). It was so nice to be able to straighten out my legs and I don't even mind being up for 2 evening feedings!
Today, we went to a ENT doctor because Landon is Tongue Tied. The doctor was very nice, he knows Andy from the hospital and was very good at giving us what research says about being tongue tied. He stated that it is the result of his tongue not growing long enough. The plan is to wait and see if there are any difficulties and possibly do a simple surgery when Landon is 2 years old. I am just glad we were able to see a specialists (there was a turf war at the hospital between the lactation consultants and the pediatricians).
Overall, it has been an eventful week and we have learned a lot about having a baby and about ourselves!
OK so I know this is really late, but I am a new mother and have gotten behind on my sleep. Here is the progression of what happened a little over a week ago:
Monday, March 30th
7:00pm, I was admitted into the hospital to start being induced.
9:00pm, they started some medication that would start softening the cervix.
Tuesday, March 31st
9:00am, a new medicine was introduced that would actually start the labor.
12:00pm, the doctor broke my water in hopes of helping me progress more. This was very painful for me and they gave me a medication that knocked me out.
Around 1:00pm, I broke down and got my epidural. Andy had asked one of the doctors to do it for me. It was nice to have someone that I knew poke me in the back. A couple of years ago Edgar had a gathering at his house where I met him (he lives a few streets over from us).
Around 3:00pm, contractions were not progressing, the doctor decided to start changing my positions to help.
Around 6:00pm, progression still has not occurred
Around 9:00pm, doctor starts talking about having a C-section if progression does not start.
Around 11:00pm, I finally get to 6cm!
Wednesday, April 1st
Around 12:00am, doctor decides to continue with vaginal birth since I was now about 7 cm.
Around 1:00am, Its time to push!!!
1:51am - Landon is here!!!
Monday, March 30th
7:00pm, I was admitted into the hospital to start being induced.
9:00pm, they started some medication that would start softening the cervix.
Tuesday, March 31st
9:00am, a new medicine was introduced that would actually start the labor.
12:00pm, the doctor broke my water in hopes of helping me progress more. This was very painful for me and they gave me a medication that knocked me out.
Around 1:00pm, I broke down and got my epidural. Andy had asked one of the doctors to do it for me. It was nice to have someone that I knew poke me in the back. A couple of years ago Edgar had a gathering at his house where I met him (he lives a few streets over from us).
Around 3:00pm, contractions were not progressing, the doctor decided to start changing my positions to help.
Around 6:00pm, progression still has not occurred
Around 9:00pm, doctor starts talking about having a C-section if progression does not start.
Around 11:00pm, I finally get to 6cm!
Wednesday, April 1st
Around 12:00am, doctor decides to continue with vaginal birth since I was now about 7 cm.
Around 1:00am, Its time to push!!!
1:51am - Landon is here!!!
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