Friday, April 10, 2009


OK so I know this is really late, but I am a new mother and have gotten behind on my sleep. Here is the progression of what happened a little over a week ago:

Monday, March 30th

7:00pm, I was admitted into the hospital to start being induced.

9:00pm, they started some medication that would start softening the cervix.

Tuesday, March 31st

9:00am, a new medicine was introduced that would actually start the labor.

12:00pm, the doctor broke my water in hopes of helping me progress more. This was very painful for me and they gave me a medication that knocked me out.

Around 1:00pm, I broke down and got my epidural. Andy had asked one of the doctors to do it for me. It was nice to have someone that I knew poke me in the back. A couple of years ago Edgar had a gathering at his house where I met him (he lives a few streets over from us).

Around 3:00pm, contractions were not progressing, the doctor decided to start changing my positions to help.

Around 6:00pm, progression still has not occurred

Around 9:00pm, doctor starts talking about having a C-section if progression does not start.

Around 11:00pm, I finally get to 6cm!

Wednesday, April 1st

Around 12:00am, doctor decides to continue with vaginal birth since I was now about 7 cm.

Around 1:00am, Its time to push!!!

1:51am - Landon is here!!!

1 comment:

Monique said...

Wow! Sounds like Maren's entry into the world. Took forever. SHe loves the story and remind her that still - 18 years later - she still does everything in her own good time!! Love Aunt Monique