Saturday, May 24, 2008

Who is Diesel?

For the last week, Diesel has blessed our lives. It is a good thing that he is so cute or I don't know how we would handle his "puppiness." Last night was the first time he slept in his crate, and did not cry the whole night! However, when we woke up we discovered that our little guy was sick. After a short trip to the vet (where everyone already knows who he is and of course thinks he is SO cute) we found out that he has a cold and is now on antibiotics. He is now back to his normal activities, but has piddled in the house a few times. I think he was not happy about the thermometer going up you know where!


Anonymous said...

He looks just like Ernie!!!! I love him already!!!-Susie

Anonymous said...

Cute as a button. Gus, Gracie and Solomon think he's pretty cool too!!

Anonymous said...

Gus, Gracie and Solomon love their new cousin!!

Michelle said...

I heard about Diesel's "incident" with the USC rug. :-) He's got good taste! Has he done anything to the Michigan stuff yet? I'm sure he's going to be an Ohio State fan!